October 13, 2014


The birds of dawn
Sing Come out on the lawn.

Say Seize the hours.

The day, the sun
Say Don't stay – look, laugh, run.

Warm rain
Says More! Again!

A tree
Simply says Be.

Beyond the trees, the beach
Rumbles Extend your reach.

A cliff
Asks: If?

The sand
Calls for a handstand.

A wave
Says Misbehave.

Asks you, Done yet?

The moon, that overhanging stone...
The moon says You're alone.

Published online: Snakeskin, UK, October 2014

October 6, 2014


I will be a flutist
Standing in the trees
With the lions and tigers
Stalking past my knees;

You, my naked lady
Languid on a couch -
Is the tiger standing,
Or is it in a crouch?

Enormous tropic blossoms
Open in the heat;
Your hand is out toward me,
The pipe I play is sweet.

You have no need to answer
If things are as they seem.
The scene will last forever,
A moment and a dream.

Published: The Lyric, USA, Summer 2014